Research Tools > Geographical Annotations to Travel Reports

website of Jelle Verheij, historian


Erz-Rum → Erzurum (capital of Erzurum province)

I'lijeh → Ilıca (until 2008 centre of Ilıca district, now incorporated in Aziziye district, Erzurum province)

Ash-kal'ah → Aşkale (centre of Aşkale district, Erzurum province)

Kara Kulak → Otlukbeli (village in Çayırlı district, Erzincan province)


Lóri → Yazıbaşı ("Aşağı Lori") and/or Beşpınar ("Yukarı Lori") (villages in Demirözü district, Bayburt province)

Kerkit Chiftlik → Kelkit (centre of Kelkit district, Gümüşhane province)

Gemeri   not identified

U'leh-Sheivan → Erenkaya (village in Şiran district, Gümuşhane province)

435 - 436

Kara-Hisar, Shebb-khaneh Şebinkarahisar (centre of Şebinkarahisar district, Giresun province)


Enderez → Suşehri (centre of Suşehri district, Sivas province)

Gemi-koi not identified


Zara  → Zara (centre of district of Zara, Sivas province)

Yenijeh → Çimenyenice (village in Hafik district, Sivas province)

Yarasa  → Yarhisar (village in Hafik district, Sivas province)

Keimez → Dışkapı (village in Hafik district, Sivas province)

Koj Hisar → Hafik (centre of Hafik district, Sivas province)


Sivas → Sivas (capital of Sivas province)

Arslan Togmish → Arslandoğmuş (village in Yıldızeli district, Sivas province)

439 - 440

Tokat → Tokat (capital of Tokat province)


Bazar Koi → Pazar (centre of Pazar district, Tokat province)

Turkhal → Turhal (centre of Turhal district, Tokat province)

Zile → Zile (centre of Zile district, Tokat province)


Amasiyah → Amasya (capital of Amasya province)

Kavsah → not identified

Kavak → Kavak (centre of Kavak district, Samsun province)

443 - 444

Samsun → Samsun (capital of Samsun province)

Geographical Annotations to

Suter, Henry. Notes on a journey from Erz-Rúm to Trebizond, by way of Shebb-kháneh, Kará Hisár, Sívas, Tókát, and Samsún, in October, 1838

Places mentioned in the text, with new Turkish names and present administrative status